Rosa and Mirka - Prague Photographers

Rosa is a professional photographer originally from Brazil but living in Prague since 2001. Photography has been a part of her life since childhood. She enjoyed making pictures of her travels, friends and family so eventually she decided to transition from hobbyist to a professional photographer. She has completed several courses, workshops, trainings and mentorships that enabled her to develop her technical skills, which combined with her vast creativity results into the perfect photographs she makes.

Mirka’s photography journey started on her 30th birthday when she received her first professional camera which prompted her to start attending photography lessons. After some time, she requalified into a professional portrait photographer. Photography is her favorite activity and she constantly continues to educate and improve herself. She especially enjoys taking pictures of children and their pets.

When Rosa and Mirka met they instantly felt a connection and although being different personalities by time they became best friends.

Sharing the same interest in photography inspired them to start a joint photography studio. By working together they not only support and inspire each other but it also enables them to combine their skills to create beautiful images.